Edit OR Convert PDF Files

No additional software needed. Upload any file.

  • Convert PDF, Word, or Excel files, even images in MINUTES
  • Edit, fill out, or E-sign. your document
  • Download, print, and share with anyone

Why Simple PDF Converter?

Convert from any device

Convert your files from your mobile phone, notebook, laptop, desktop, Mac, or PC! Drag and drop or upload scanned or saved files from your computer, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Dropbox, and more.

Safety +security

Your documents and account data are secured on Microsoft's Azure cloud with 256-byte SSL encryption. We never sell or share your data or personal information, as we never store your data or personal information.

Speed +ease

Edit and sign digital files in a matter of minutes! It takes seconds to upload a new document, minutes to edit or sign, and seconds to convert. You can even convert scanned digital files into an editable format.

No software or downloads needed

Our software is web-based, so there's nothing to download and no browser extension to install. Simply log in to your account and follow the intuitive prompts to complete your contract or project.

Easy editing tools

Once your file, form, or contract is uploaded, utilize our drag and drop tools to edit to perfection. Erase text, add text, add the date, highlight text, embed images, e-sign, and more. Then convert and download.

Here's what users are saying

SimplePDFConverter’s digital signature feature has been a true lifesaver for me. As a business owner, I often need to sign and send important documents securely. This tool allows me to add legally binding digital signatures to my PDFs quickly and easily. It provides a seamless signing experience and ensures the integrity and authenticity of my documents. SimplePDFConverter has become an invaluable asset for my business.” – Anna Patel, Sydney

Splitting PDF documents used to be a tedious task until I discovered SimplePDFConverter. This tool has simplified the process and made it incredibly easy. With just a few clicks, I can split large PDFs into smaller, more manageable files. It saves me a tremendous amount of time and allows me to extract specific pages or sections effortlessly.SimplePDFConverter is a must-have for anyone dealing with lengthy PDF documents.” – David Rodriguez, Madrid

SimplePDFConverter’s PDF compression feature is a game-changer. I work with large PDF files on a daily basis, and the tool has significantly reduced their size without compromising the quality. The compression is remarkably efficient, and the resulting files are easily shareable and take up less storage space. SimplePDFConverter has become an essential tool in my toolkit, and I can’t imagine working without it.” – Emily Chen, San Francisco

I’ve been using SimplePDFConverter for all my Word to PDF conversions, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The conversion process is seamless, and the output PDFs are always flawless. I appreciate how the tool maintains the integrity of complex layouts and embedded images.SimplePDFConverter has definitely streamlined my workflow and saved me valuable time. It’s a must-have tool for anyone dealing with document conversions.” – Michael Anderson, London

SimplePDFConverter has been a lifesaver for me. As a writer, I often need to convert my Word documents into PDF format for sharing with clients and publishers. This tool is incredibly user-friendly and efficient. It preserves the formatting perfectly and produces high-quality PDF files every time. I highly recommend SimplePDFConverter to anyone in need of quick and reliable Word to PDF conversion.” – Sarah Johnson, New York